Start a new conversation...
...with the whole team
Select Teams , then pick a team and a channel.
Select New conversation.
In the box where you type your message, say what's on your mind and select Send .
...with a person or group
Select Chat > New chat .
In the To field, type the name of the person or people you want to chat with.
In the box where you type your message, say what's on your mind and select Send .
Share a file
Sometimes words aren't enough, and you need to post a file to a channel conversation.
Tip: Teams works particularly well with Microsoft Office documents.
In your channel conversation, select
Attach under the box where you type your message.-
Select from these options:
Browse Teams and Channels
Upload from my computer
Select a file > Share a link.
If you're uploading a file from your computer, select a file, select Open, and then select Send .
You can always see all the files you post to a channel by going to the Files tab.
For more information, click here to be redirected to Microsoft's website.